Wednesday, June 2, 2010

so one of my all time favorite things to do is READ. give me a stack of missionary biography's and i'll be done in no time.

the past couple weeks, i've read the bio of Sadhu Sundar Singh - which i highly recommend. he was an incredibly passionate and radical follower of Jesus. he literally WALKED all over North India and Tibet to make sure people knew who Jesus was/is. he lived a life of supernatural faith - that is available to all of us - as we truly trust God to be our provider.

today i wrapped up God Of Impossibilities by Dave Hunt. it's the testimony of Vankateswami Gupta, who grew up Hindu then supernaturally met Jesus at the age of 18. he went on to start Hindustan Bible Institute in S. India.

when i read stories of those who've gone before us, it inspires me in a way that i can't fully put into words. it stokes a fire inside of me!

one resounding theme i notice though in the lives of the saints is.... suffering. Sundar and Vankateswami weren't exempt. and neither are you and i. yes, they lived incredible lives. yes, they stored up treasures in heaven. yes, they were laid down lovers of Jesus. but not without pain and suffering.

i'm convinced the way of the cross is the way marked with suffering. IF we want to follow Jesus, wholeheartedly, laying down everything then there will be suffering. undoubtedly.

Philippians 1:29 says... "for you have been given not only the privilege of trusting in Christ but also the privilege of suffering for Him".


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