Wednesday, September 22, 2010

below is an excerpt from an email update from 2 dear friends who spent the past 2 years loving in Palestine. it spoke to my heart so much, so i thought to share it here. may it speak to yours as well.

"...that you would hear HIS voice and be obedient to whatever it is He is telling you to do whether its share His story to that person, take this other job, sell this possession, adopt this child, reconcile with a friend, or move to another city. We don't pray that you would do this or that, we pray that you would HEAR HIM and follow in WHATEVER He is telling YOU to do. Your relationship with Him, your life, cannot be compared to anyone else's, no matter how passionate they are about whatever it is they are convincing you should do. Sure, we can all learn from each other and many times He is impressing the same thing on our hearts, but ultimately, we shouldn't follow each other...We should follow HIM. May you find comfort in that and embrace the uniqueness He has given you. There is an adventure in the journey." - W & N P.

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