Tuesday, December 7, 2010

journal excerpt:

May 17, 2004

Opening the door and stepping into the stale morning air, I imagine myself to be a world away. People are hustling and bustling around, busying themselves with daily chores around the camp. As I gaze out onto the sea of white tents, I am alive! Fully alive!

To these people, I make a difference. They need me. I need them.

As I stretch my arms heavenward, I feel a calm, a real peace, and rest in the fact that I have finally found my place. Smiling to myself and to God, I begin to make my rounds. My duty? Lending a hand, giving someone a hug, holding a wounded child, encouraging a scared mother. But, you see, these are no duties at all. This is what I was made for. God fashioned me together in my mother's womb for this exact purpose.

Where am I? A refugee camp in Afghanistan. This is my dream.

December 7, 2010

Here I am, Lord. Send me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your entry brought this text to mind:

"Devotion is really neither more nor less than a general inclination and readiness to do that which we know to be acceptable to God. It is that 'free spirit', of which David spoke when he said, 'I will run the way of Thy commandments, when Thou hast set my heart at liberty.'

People of ordinary goodness walk in god's way, but the devout run in it, and at length they almost fly therein. To be truly devout, we must not only do God's will, but we must do it cheerfully."

-St Francis de Sales

We want FLY in our surrender to your will, God, we sooo want to FLY. Enable us to serve you as a 'free spirit', in joyful abandon !

<3 Linda C.