Tuesday, January 11, 2011

it's 7:25am and the sun hasn't even hinted a rise in the eastern sky.

8" of snow blankets the ground... and it's freezing out!

cup of pumpkin pie spice infused coffee in front of me that has lost it's steam a while ago...

i just read an article on persecution in the Middle East. it has intensified over the past 6 mths and i'm afraid the West is still sleeping.

i know persecution has been happening for hundreds, even thousands of years, but that doesn't make it ok. this is fiercely personal for me. i feel it in my spirit and in my bones, these are my brothers and sisters. if i met an Assyrian today, or an Iraqi, or a Palestinian Christian we would have an instant connection. it's always been like that for me. i love meeting extended family members :)

i could go on and on about an issue that i'm so passionate about, but i won't..
here's an article incase you're interested.

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