Saturday, February 5, 2011

my heart.

By now everyone who reads this should know how much I'm in love with Jeewan Loy :) He has all of my heart!

At this exact moment, he's in Kolkata (Calcutta) with his sister, Manju, and 'mummy', Lindy working on the adoption.

Before leaving to Kolkata a week ago, Jeewan Loy got severe diarrhea with blood clots. Lindy called close friends and asked them to pray, while her and Manju laid hands on him and prayed at home.

Immediately, Jesus healed Jeewan Loy!

Lindy has an important meeting on Tuesday which could either speed up or slow down the adoption process. If you're reading this, would you ask Papa to give them favor with a man who has the power, in the natural, to say yes or no? Thank you.

1 comment:

Preethi Anish said...

God Bless!!!
Our God is alpha and Omega and He hears true prayers...
Lord be with Lindy and make things happen...
Lord let your will be done...